Clouds put a really short timer on capturing comet-rise this morning. Between that and spending 10 minutes carefully maneuvering myself back out of a sketchy, unscouted road, I only managed a few shots before it ascended into the cloud field. I only had time for a very quick look and gasp through binoculars before I needed to start shooting lest I miss it before it hit the clouds. Moonlit Merriam Crater lies in the foreground for these shots. Leupp Road is shockingly busy in the 3:30AM time frame.
Subject | C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) |
Classification | Comet |
Position (J2000) | Auriga: [RA: 6 9.331 / Dec: 34° 49.206′ ]* |
Magnitude | Not estimated |
Date/Time | 6 JULY 2020 – 3:50-4:13 AM MST (1050-1113 UT) |
Observing Loc. | Leupp Road, east of Flagstaff, Arizona |
Instrument | 15 x 70 Oberwerk Binoculars / naked eye / Canon 6D Mark ii @ 120-220mm |
Conditions | Partly cloudy, twilight |
Seeing | Not estimated |
Transparency | Astronomical through nautical twilight |
*References | Starry Night Pro |