Double Star Sketches



I am looking at what you call sketches of double stars. They are astrophotos are they not?
Very impressive as I am new to astronomy and I am trying to get the 100 doubles from the astro League. Located in Las Cruces, NM.

Your web site is very engaging and well constructed.

Hi John,

These are actually digital sketches (not photographs). I make a pencil drawing at the telescope, measure the separation and position angle, note color, and then convert that all to a digital sketch later. I describe the process here:

Double Star Sketching and Digitizing
I've updated my process a bit since I wrote that article, but that covers the basics. I hope you enjoy the AL Double Star program.

Thanks for your comment!

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy Perez published on August 1, 2004 12:00 AM.

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