2 Replies to “Northern Arizona Observing Sites”

  1. Jeremy:
    I know you have some north AZ sites on your web page, but just a recommendation on another potential site. I have been using a really dark site north of Flagstaff for a couple of years now when I visit my son who goes to NAU. This site is almost as dark as it gets and is wide open (big sky). If you drive up Rt 180, about 25 miles from Flagstaff, you will turn left onto FR 191. I go about 800 feet in from the road to set up. Since this road is “out there” it is most likely closed during the winter month. Thanks.

  2. Paul, thanks very much for the recommendation! I have reconnoitered a couple spots along Rt180 northwest of Flag, but never got a chance to use them. The 25 mile distance sounds like it would put you in really dark territory…it would be nice to have the west horizon clear of Flagstaff & the mountains.

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