Last night as we all sat in the living room, something moved me to read a few entries on this blog from ages ago. It was amazing. I couldn't stop with just a few. We essentially laughed for an hour, recalling Giselle seeking hair-brushing vengeance on Harrison, Harrison's first centipede scare, the Space Hole, flu shot stories, on and on... I stopped writing here over four years ago...and it was a pretty sad frequency before that. I'm pretty sure dumb old Facebook is responsible for that. Now I chuck digestible pieces there, but nothing close to what I used to. Anyway, I've password protected this blog now, and maybe I can get a little motivation to drop some goodies in here again and cross-link to my 'Family Stories' friends list on dastardly FB. So dumb and complicated.
Giselle's iPhone got bricked somehow a couple days ago when she was trying to install an update. Amanda spent over an hour with Apple support with some guy who apparently was trying to drag out the final stretch of his work day with one last, interminable & circular support call. She was bug-eyed furious at the end of that one. I can relate. He forced her to commit to a genius bar appointment in Phoenix. Because as he "emphasized" to her, it's "an expensive piece of hardware". No joke. And yet, we will be canceling that appointment until we can batch with some other Phoenix business.
My office has a motion sensing, energy-saver light switch and I clearly do not move around enough. I've had unrealized plans for a very long time to get twine, paperclips and a string of plastic monkeys to hang in front of it that I may tug gingerly upon it every 15 minutes. I need some ambient light to keep my pupils constricted to just the right aperture to avoid old man myopia.
The bad news — Amanda's Mom passed away on the 14th. We spent last week in Elk City with her family and trying to take care of all the things that need to be taken care of and that distract everyone from grieving. She was an awesome person who coped with some very difficult circumstances. She was tireless in her care and concern for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren...a pretty good bit from her obituary: "She was a staunch defender of everything small." We're going to miss her terribly until we see her again.

Lova Joan Craft
this is a test