Taming the Jabberwock


Fingernail clippers have disappeared from my house. I blame the boy. Although the girl certainly plays a role. His nails grow fast, which results in tissue damage to his sister when they brawl. (She also develops hives when he bites, but that's another story) So about once per week, bellowing ensues where she demands he attend to his claws, and the implements must be located and loaned out for the necessary trimmings. This is usually accompanied by her demands that he not "shape them into points". He doesn't cut them close enough, which is why this is a constant issue.

The main thing is that the clippers tend not to make it back to their little homes if there aren't minute-by-minute reminders to put them back. And well, they're all gone. All three of them. I know that's not enough. I should buy a couple 24 packs and scatter them in the corners and cracks of every room like the crayons and legos. So now, my nails are overdue, and every letter I type makes me more and more aware of it. Sometimes I envy the nail-biters with their bulbous little toe-fingers. I've gotta hit the store after work anyway, so I know which aisle I'm visiting first. Right next to the mascara and red sparkly nail polish.

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