December 2009 Archives

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December 23, 2009


I reached the point of tears last night as Amanda was giving pre-laundry spray stain-treatment instructions to the kids:

"Use it on ALL the underwear."


"You know what I'm talking about"


"Streaks, stains, splits, splats...all of it"


And overnight, we had a nice, manageable snow--about five inches on average in various drifts and dips. Shoveling was not a grueling mess, and only took about a half hour to get in hand. The candy & cookies keep flooding in at work. My pants are starting to hurt again...not as bad as last year, but still.

Posted by Jeremy at 10:59 AM

December 8, 2009

Flagstaff Blizzard, December 7/8, 2009

We had a great snowstorm yesterday and last night when we were under a blizzard warning. It dropped about 17 inches at our house by the time I got home from work. Overnight, the wind got scary. I could hear stuff falling over in the carport, and then came the power flashes. I thought it was lightning at first, but when the overall brightness of the sky outside my window went down and the clocks turned off, I could tell it was the power lines getting messed up. That kind of wind does nasty stuff to the snow, and shoveling was horrible the next morning. The overall beauty of it made up for the pain in my arms and back.

The drive to work was pretty nice. The roads were mostly deserted, but nicely plowed. I-40 was a vacant wonderland. I shot some photos at home and on the way to work:

As the sun rose, it sported a golden pillar over the snow covered neighborhood.

The fruits of my digging. Our neighbor across the street graciously used his snowblower to plow out my driveway.

I couldn't stop smiling at how aggravated the cat was at having all his prowling spots buried.

The neighborhood field where the kids will be sledding and acting out other snow sports today.

The roads outside our neighborhood were plowed, but the wind made viewing the terrain a little fuzzy.

My journey along an almost deserted interstate.

Posted by Jeremy at 1:56 PM

December 3, 2009

Moments in the Life of a Child heard from the other room:

"Harrison!! Don't make me destroy you."
"My spleen!"

Posted by Jeremy at 11:03 AM