There is a surgical journal that passes by my desk from time to time, called Surgical Rounds. I browse through it when I get the chance, because I am curious that way. But now I don't feel so good. You see, there was an article in this month's issue that described trauma surgery for a (thankfully) rare injury that's called "penoscrotal degloving". You can Google that if you want, but you may be sorry afterward.
It seems a certain young farmer disabled a safety device on his farm machinery, tried to step over it, slipped, and was subsequently "degloved". I temporarily black out every time I go through that sequence. But it seems those safety devices can be pretty darned inconvenient. The boss and I were just discussing the vividly illustrated article and in between involuntary wincing, doubling over, and retching, we decided that laminating and gluing those photos to the safety device would substantially reduce the number of farmers who disable it. Farmers do not get paid enough. Fortunately the surgeons do, I guess.
Makes the windmill injury article seem tame by comparison.
OK, I'm not saying that you "made me" look up penoscrotal degloving but darn you for teasing me just enough to not only look it up on google but to effin' look at related images in the search.
I'm going to think about baby penguins and running over sweet green moss barefoot for the rest of the day.