July 2006 Archives

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July 17, 2006

Meat Puppets

So, have you seen that movie 8 Below? It's a nice little story about some sled dogs that get left behind in Antarctica and mostly manage to survive to be rescued some months later.

Well, Amanda and the kids were watching it a couple days ago for about the third time in as many days. And there is this scene where the dogs see a scraggly bird fly by and they finally get the resolve to break free from their collars to go grab some much needed munchies. Unfortunately , there is one poor, decrepit dog that has pretty much given up, and won't break away to join the hunt. It's one of those sad points in the movie. Well anyway, Harrison broke in and asked, "Why don't they just eat him? He's meat." Amanda and Giselle and the little neighbor girl were all aghast. Amanda tried to explain, "But sweetie, that would be like us eating Giselle..." To which Harrison replied, "Well, if we were all really hungry and there was no other food to eat..." I'm told Giselle was completely speechless at this point. Which, actually, is really saying something. So Amanda said, "But Harrison, if it got to that point, we could cook up the houseplant in the kitchen, or..." And Harrison's immediate reponse was, "Eww, but that gets spider webs on it..." And bless her heart, Amanda kept trying, "Well then we'd boil our shoes if we had to!" That idea got shot down too, of course.

It's hard to tell if the boy was 100 percent messing around, or if he was actually tossing out some nuggets of insight into his psyche ¿-O I've caught him deadpanning before, but this would be a pretty good one. I have bad news for him though. Giselle would not be the first to go. Much too gristley. Harrison on the other hand... :-9

Posted by Jeremy at 3:47 AM