Promises and Arthropods


According to the latest commercials, if I'm dog-sick with a sore throat that makes me scrinch my eye shut when I swallow, and my kids are whimpering that I promised to take them skiing, then I have no excuse for not taking such-n-such decongestant pain reliever and hitting the slopes with them. Isn't that like disconnecting that irritating oil light on your car so you can get to the movies as planned?

I'm sure I'm missing something there.

I had a nightmare this weekend in which I had a huge, parasitic centipede living in my arteries. I could feel it moving around in my innards, skirting my heart, getting stuck in my forearm. Sometimes it would scurry near the surface where I could see it and I wasn't sure whether trying to squish it would only make things worse. I mean, a parasitic centipede that's grown to 6" long must know what it's doing, right? It doesn't want to kill its host outright does it? And if you pinch it in two through your skin, it might send little spikey-legged embolisms up into your brain. Thank goodness for waking up before you have to make that call. Bleh.

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