September 2005 Archives
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September 9, 2005
Nipping a Rant in the Bud
I was this close :: makes smidgenly finger measurement :: to posting a rant about Hurricane Katrina's destruction and what I consider callous reactions people have had to it. I'm not going to go there. I inevitably regret griping about things like that. Let me just say I hurt for those people. If you think they were idiots for living there in the first place, take a good hard look at whatever modern marvels are making your own existence possible before you get too comfy with the talk-to-the-hand gesture.
I've been having writers block, apparently. Couldn't you tell?
The kids are back in school. Well...back for Giselle. Harrison started kindergarten this year. They both enjoy school. Giselle got into a class with an incredible teacher who helped her with her reading when she was in first grade. I'm very happy for her. She'll be attending the school's gifted program soon. She was just a couple points south of the borderline for math and mechanics, but it was the reading level that got her into the program.
It's been a little tense for me getting used to watching Harrison walk into the school without me (I walked him to his class the first week). But Giselle cruises along with him now, which is great. As I pulled away this morning, I peeked in the rear view mirror and saw the two of them walking to the door together with their humongous, mostly empty backpacks. Giselle reached over and put her arm around his shoulders right at that moment. I got all choked up. Just in time to rear end the car in front of me.
Nahh. Just messin with ya. It was really a nice soft teacher I hit. Didn't even crumple the fender. I payed her off with a crisp roll of hundreds and drove on, reminiscing about my awesome kids.
Posted by Jeremy at 5:32 PM