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Amanda and I were sitting at the dinner table last week, enjoying a couple beers when Harrison walked up to her, looked at the bottle, then at her, and said, "Mom? Do you have a beard?" ::snort:: Beer makes cute yellow bubbles when it comes out the nose.

It broke my heart to have to help him correctly pronounce 'beer'.

Speaking of beard. He walked up to me a few days later, grabbed my arm and asked, "Dad? Am I going to be like you when I grow up?" ::sniff:: Mah boy. "Well buddy, your hair is going to be lighter than mine...but hopefully you get to keep a lot more of yours than I did." Then I put his right hand on top of the back of my right hand and one by one we compared the relative sizes of our fingers. "Yep. Those all look like they're going to turn out in the right proportions..." Then he looked at me, pointed at my chin and with a cocked eyebrow and this 'no way' sort of laugh he asked, "But am I going to have beard dots like you?" heheh "Ohhh will have tons of little beard dots, all won't be long...heheheh" We had a good little laugh. ::gulp:: It won't be long. :'(

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I was on google and saw your picture of the fire and it brought me to your web page. I thought the comment about mom having a beard was pretty funny. I get a lot of funny comments in my class. I am a teacher in San Diego, teaching 3rd grade.
I can't wait till I can have conversations with my little girl like that. She's six months right now. Well, I won't take up your space, but I think writing down these things are fantastic. Memories that will last forever. Oh yes, the comment about riding the mountain bike and your arms turning into liquid, CLASSIC!! Bix

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