Roast Beast


Look. You aren't getting any apologies from me. This web journal is what it is. Which is pretty much squat right now.

Let's see. What happened today?

I forked over fifty bucks to the school cafeteria lady this morning before they posted a bounty on my head. Also noted is that they have this Healthy Habits program where the kids get points for choosing healthy entrees for lunch and for any time they spend in exercise at PE or rec centers. It's a good idea in this day & age. And I'm not talking about chunky, scabby, video game playing, tv watching kids, not that that's not a problem. But I'm talking about this "choice of entree" stuff. A _choice_ of entree. I didn't have a choice when I was in elementary school. It was gray meat or green meat. Mashed paste with gravy. And peas. Or whatever slab of nutrient they were serving that day. Granted we did have a choice of white milk or chocolate milk. I chose chocolate. But I'll have to lend some credit to the fact that I learned to consume what I was given, to my elementary school days. Also to Mom's Buffalo Barf Casserole. As Amanda might credit her Mom's Pasta La Vista With No Meata. But that's another story. Little kids these days though, they have choices.

It's still up to the parents to ingrain good eating habits, I know. But just last night, as I was savoring Amanda's awesome lamb stew she's started making, and the kids were sitting their pouting, and pointedly making a declaration every time they ate this vegetable or that, Amanda lamented that she felt like the host of Fear Factor. Too true. Not sure if I irritated her too much, laughing the rest of the way through my bowl of stew. Yum yum. What's wrong with these kids? Giselle is a pretty shrewd customer, even when it comes to stuff she likes. She complained to Amanda earlier, that she was really upset at lunch that day because she thought they were serving the gray meat with the burgers that day, so she asked for a different entree (good grief). But then when she sat down, she saw from nearby burgers that they were actually serving the "good meat" that day. She was bent out of shape over that for the rest of the day apparently. That girl can rant like nobody's business.

They don't care about our stories of childhood lunch horrors, I'll tellya that much. The past is the past. This is now. And carrots are evil.


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