

Not only is today the last day of 1st grade for Giselle, it's also Dress-up-like-the-60s-70s-or-80s-Day. With that in mind, we present

The Last Day of 1st Grade--Hippie Style

A couple days ago, when I was feeling all righteously indignant about turn signals & such, I ran across a big logjam on the road back to work. Up ahead in the shimmering distance, I could see what looked like a go-cart snaking around on the shoulder of the road causing everybody to slow to a near halt to avoid hitting it. And I thought, in the mood I was in, what sort of hare-brained parents are letting their obviously less-than-coordinated little brat bob-and-weave their scooter all in and out of traffic? I'm gonna git a picture of this by golly! And as I got closer and grabbed a couple blurry shots, I realized I wasn't seeing some little goofball on a go-cart.

I was actually seeing a guy on a paraplegically-enabled bike-mobile. Oh the shame. Here I was getting all bent out of shape, and this guy is just trying to be self sufficient, heaving away, trying to peddle it with his hands...which is obviously why he was weaving on and off the road. It's kind of an uphill grade right there and he was having a heck of a time cranking the handles in the first place, much less steer it. There's a lot of brave souls out there. I've got seemingly full use of both my legs and my arms, and I'm still afraid to bike along that stretch of road.

Oh! Harrison locked Amanda out of the house for about ten minutes yesterday. What a character. Vive la resistance?

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