Paper Weights


Hmmm. Dearthage. I do operate this thing in cycles I guess.

Giselle lost her first tooth week before last. She's late on losing her baby teeth like I was. I think I was 7 when I lost my first one too. So I've been checking out her 2-tooth gap on the bottom, and noticing that the adult teeth are coming in kind of crooked to each other. Maybe that's normal when they're first sprouting, but already I'm trying to contemplate whether we'll be looking at 4 or 5 figures by the time she's 14. Dental insurance is a joke. A joke I tell you. $1500 lifetime max benefit for orthodontia. Gripe gripe. Yeah I know, we could be over in rural Albania yanking each other's teeth out with rusted pliers.

Sorry if I weirded anybody out with the article format in that last post. I was trying to step outside the box, as they say, and came off kind of lame. The orange 'slow down' sign just got me to musing.

We're headed down to Phoenix Thursday for our convention this summer. Glendale actually. Hub of the West Nile Virus infection zone. Centered roughly on Mom's back yard by the look of the latest maps.

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