Chiquita Banana


And in the interest of saying something without really having anything to say, I bring you last night's memorable dream. It was a spider dream. I was being stalked by this huge Banana Spider...the ones with the tufts of fur along their leg joints.

It was missing a couple legs, but it was still wiley and showing up in creepy ways as I stumbled through our junk-filled spare bedroom, and then it was spinning funnel web tunnels in my hair, and pretty much making a nest out of me at every opportunity. Lots of heebie jeebies out of that one. Woke up scratching.

I've been taking the digital camera with me everywhere. So basically, I now have a man-purse. Scary.

I was shooting some train pictures a couple weeks ago, and caught one that fell into a contest theme at DPChallenge. It picked up 29th place out of 385 entries.

I've got another entry in there right now that's tanking hard though.

It's been raining pretty steady since around midnight. Nice.


Only 29th? I think it's a very good pic. Guess there's some folks at the challenge that have not an artistic eye.

About the spider, tin hat time??


Very cool, J.

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