Last weekend was a Phoenix weekend. Saturday, we went to Amber and Jason's wedding. Scott and Marie, my brother and sister in law, are Amber's parents. They are also caterers. Which was really nice because they concoct some awesome vittles and of course they catered the reception. My kids, in their typical fussiness, wouldn't touch anything but the croissants...and the chocolate cheesecake. Giselle made instant friends with the flower girls. They were all dressed in High Princess, which puts a fairytale joy and whistfullness on everything. So they skipped and danced all over the huge back yard where the event unfolded.
Amanda coaxes Harrison out of traffic
Giselle and Beverly enacting the Rose Petal Princess Dance
But soon the time came for the kids to sneak into the house where one or two of the girls lived. How could I not be nervous? But there were 6 or 7 of them milling around in there, so it was hard to say no. A little while later I noticed Amanda peeking through the arcadia door to check up on things, and heard her say, "Hey BOY! You're walkin' MIGHTY funny..." The blood drained out of my face. Good old Harrison had gone and moistened the closet in the girls' bedroom. My fault. I wasn't running spigot ops with him and his O-rings didn't hold. So Amanda sopped and scrubbed while I grabbed dry pants bagged the soilage. It's really something I'd rather forget, but I know I won't, so why not put it in print. :-I
Sunday morning I was looking forward to some of Scott's coffee-deglazed scrambled eggs for breakfast. But Giselle chewed him out so bad for adding coffee the last time that they decided to make them plain this time. :: grumble grumble GISELLE grumble grumble ::
After breakfast, the kids and I left Amanda behind to catch up with her family, and we went to visit my sister and her kids. This is a rapturous pilgrimage for Giselle. Her cousin Atticus is just a few days younger than her, and they might as well be twins separated at birth. Every day for the prior two weeks was a big production of counting down the days on the calendar until we "...GO TO SEE ATTICUS!!!!!" I feel kind of bad because Ophelia only gets mentioned once for every ten times her older brother does.
We took them all to the Wildlife World Zoo which is way out West of Phoenix.
Harrison, Atticus, Giselle and Ophelia (Jessica's gut in the background)
Flying critters
Horned varmit
Sign that at first glance threw Jessica for a loop
Donny plays Flake for us after zoo time
Phht: You guys were less than 5 minutes from my house (when you were at the zoo), and did I even get a visit? That's what I thought. :)