I've had 3 separate people tell me they've tried to post comments and got a message saying they couldn't. Sorry about that. You should be able to comment again. But let me explain:
In case you don't know, there is this weblog scourge called 'comment spam'. What happens is the vast and seething throngs of greedy internet entrepreneurs are constantly on the lookout for ways to boost the website search scores for their male-enhancement creams, salves and pills. So they find any and all available weblogs with comment systems and start randomly posting messages that range from cryptic to x-rated and include a link to their poxy website. Spreading their spore like this apparently helps boost their website ratings with search engines like Google and Yahoo and whatever.
So everytime a message gets posted referring people to Big-n-Smiley dot com, I have to delete it asap before you guys are unfortunate enough to read it, and then I block the internet IP address it came from. It looks like I added a wildcard IP by accident and ended up blocking everybody. So I removed that.
In the next couple months, the MoveableType software I'm using should get an upgrade that will put a stop to this. It requires you to register before commenting. Hopefully it won't be a pain to do that.
::tests comment feature::
:: jumps on wooden post & does heron stance ::
Kid does the crafty crane stance. ;O)
Buy my JuArez, Dudez!
Oops. Sorry. I just got caught up by the ability to post a comment!
Hi rdpeyton free sample dog jerky treats introductory offer prescription Xanax interest rates lower than ever refinancing FORD TOUGH levitra bacon jibber jabber.
::deep breath::
Also: the comment I tried to post last week was about a dream, in which I was almost consumed by crocodiles. Alas, that's just about all I remember of it. The world is no doubt poorer because of comment spam. Obi has done some pretty nifty stuff with my site Jeremy, have you guys been in touch to discuss?