Been dealing with bad breath lately. Other people's bad breath. Heck, maybe mine too, but I can't tell. It seems like February has been really bad for halitosis. And it's from people I haven't noticed it from before. A couple folks here at work in fact, among others. I'm not talking fresh weepy onion breath, or 'I just had a saurkraut on aged rye' breath, or even nasty bitter coffee breath. I'm talking about 'the fruit bowl went bad last week' breath, and 'turn ye aside for here thar be hot dogs days old' breath, and 'I ate the cigar while it was still lit' breath. I'm trying to get you to picture kitty yawns, and blue mold on green chicken leftovers, and Mommmm, the dog's been eating you-know-what again. I'm saying it's really not easy to continuously exhale slowly through your nose while listening to a long, close-quarters conversation. This is one of the reasons personal space bubbles were invented. I may start carrying my Eclipse gum at all times and handing out free samples. "Oh goodness! Is my breath bad?"..."A tad. Just a tad. Also less closeness."
Harrison was a huge crab this morning. Everything set him off. Especially being called Grouchbutt. I remember Grandma used to try and get me to drink coffee when I was a kid. Might not be such a bad idea.
I used to be an Eclipse fan, until I met Orbit. Now Orbit's my standby for freshiness matters.
The only bad part about Orbit is that I confuse the colors of the packages, which are all not-too-disimilar colors of blue and green. Though, after all this time, I'm not positive I really favor any of the flavors over the others.
Of course, who would know?