At this moment, billions of neutrinos are shooting right through me, racing in from the heart of the sun, on through my pancreas and spleen, through the Earth's core, on through a sleeping rice farmer in Sri Lanka and then off into the vast emptiness beyond. All but a scant few of them blissfully unaware of the furniture, critters, planets, nebulae and galaxies they've blown through.
Some days, that's just what I feel like. A big, slumpy neutrino conduit. I'm so tired, I can't think straight. I was up until 4:30 in the morning working on an illustration for work. One of the marketing groups is working on pumping up the sales force to sell one of our recently released products, and they wanted on a sec...darn neutrinos...they wanted an illustration of the product in the guise of a super-hero, chasing a competitor product, and then a follow up image of this mascot in a Rocky triumph pose. Sales folk love this sort of thing, you see. Very rush-rush basis.
Corporate and competitor identifying marks have been blurred to reduce risk of offending said corporations should such visit this page.

I'm kind of partial to the bad guy. Reminds me of one of the art directors I worked with.

Note how expertly I jacked up the abdominal anatomy :-/
Well, after a bit of proofing and discussion, it turns out they were actually after more of an anthropomorphic cartoon character for their mascot, complete with oversized Mickey Mouse gloves and shoes. Oh well. There wasn't time for preliminary sketches, and there's no time for a redo. They were fine with it being used the way it is, but for their actual mascot down the road, they're going to want a Gumby-style character. Hey, it's their gig.
We took the kids to the County Fair on Monday. It rained and rained the first couple hours we were there. By the time it cleared up, the midway was cleared out of all but the hardiest souls and we took the kids on the rides. The last time they went on carnival rides was the tame stuff at Disneyland last year. We started out slow, and worked our way up. Giselle was all for hitting every ride she possible could. We eventually made it to that one ride, the one that, um, you know, with the big spinny chairs...darn stinking neutrinos...::snapping fingers:: um yeah, the Tilt-a-Whirl. Giselle wore a freaked out face for the first few seconds, but then she started enjoying it. Harrison, on the other hand, was exuding abject fear and had sunk his claws into Amanda, holding on for all he was worth. After we got off the ride, Giselle was absolutely stoked, going on and on about how she wanted to ride it again. But then she caught sight of the more gnarly rides and started pleading to go on the Twister and other barf trains like that. Bzzzzt. Sorry. Not tall enough. Man, when I was her age, I was grade-A coward material. You couldn't even get me on a wimpy little kiddie roller coaster. AHHHHHHHHH!!! MAKE IT STOP!! DAAAAAAAAD!! MMMAAAAAKE IIIIIIIIT SSSSTO-O-O-OP!!! AHHHHHHH!!!
There was one bittersweet moment of kiddie tragedy as the two of them tried to find their way through the funhouse mirror maze and Harrison pancaked his face into a plexiglass wall. But aside from that, they were loving it. Oh yeah, a Harrison quote from the day: "Stop huggling me, Dad." Ow, it burns!
Alrighty. Gotta run. More stuff to do. Neutrinos to filter. Even get some sleep, maybe.
I think there's one or two of you that enjoy these things too:
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"lyrics of the song of winnie the pooh that starts this way... winnie the pooh doesnt know what" (I'm number 3 on that search, baby!)
"jedi are weak" (stupid jedi)
"firecrackers blowing up barbies" (Move along. Nothing to see here.)
"neighbors pool nekkid"
"pushing suckas consciousness" (lol)
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