Grand Mastah J


I've been messing with Rich, our art director, a little bit lately. Walking in on him really fast and rapping out "Yo! Mah Wife! Wats thuh 411 on thuh 911?" and stuff like that. Today, while he and Jo were gabbing about some project, I burst in with my hands all moving like I was scratching records, "Yo yo yo! Look me up when yall finish up, yo righeeet!" and sidestepped back out of the room while they looked up at me like I was out of my mind, which I am. For am I not the anti-hip-hop, in every possible way?

Well I guess I finally got to him, because Jo comes running up about 15 minutes later laughing about how Rich thought I had come back to the door and he cut loose with a loud, drawn-out "YYYYYYOOOOOOO!!!!!..." before looking up to realize it was actually one of the bigwig product specialists sauntering in to check on a project. He's walking around all quiet and embarrassed now. I feel bad--yet I can't stop giggling.

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