A couple nights ago, we were eating dinner, which included broccoli with cheese. Giselle had requested quite vocally that we not put cheese on her broccoli. This confused me to no end. It just ran contrary to everything I knew about kids and broccoli. So basically, I ended up interrogating her about why on earth she wouldn't want cheese. It was all about taste, she said. And for whatever reason, I decided to pull a Hansel & Gretel routine on her.
Dad: So you just think it tastes bad that way...
Giselle: Yes.
Dad: I bet you wouldn't taste very good with cheese either.
Giselle: Whaaaaaat???
Dad: Well, what do you think? I mean, do you think you taste more like beef? or chicken?
Giselle: :: scrinching her face up in that look of exaggerated displeasure :: Daddy!
Amanda: Or maybe bacon?
Giselle: :: letting down her guard :: hmmm. I don't know. Let me find out...:: raising her wrist to her mouth ::
Dad: :: starting to laugh ::
Giselle: hmmm. Doesn't taste like anything. :: switches to palm of hand :: Hey! I taste like rubber!
And the sidesplitting laughter ensued. (mental note: must be more diligent about monitoring handwashing before kids sit down for dinner.)
Dude, you need to add a link to your main page. If there's one here, I can't find it.
oooh. Good catch. Thankya!