

I've been diddling around with this site some more. A friend, John Rodgers, offered to set up Moveable Type for me to use for publishing this weblog in exchange for help with his splash page. Last night as I was having endless problems setting up new email accounts to go with the whole '' thing, and discovering that MSN has way more irritating things in common with AOL than I thought, I had this sudden urge to prove that I had the powers to make something work with this int@rnet stuff. So I was up until 3 am setting up and troubleshooting all the Moveable Type software on the new webserver, and BAM! It works. It is very cool too. Lots more control over things. The layout for the page right now is pretty dull. I've got to mess with that some more.

Anyways, there ya go.

By the way John, I'd still like to help you with your index page :) I just had to prove something to myself. Got the new email accounts to work too eventually.


Damn son, nice work!! Thanks for screwing up my sense of usefulness. Bastage.

I spent tonight fiddling with rojay's blog, and getting the board back in service, but I'll update the link to yer blog before I turn in for the night.

- John

(and yes, I would still like some graphical help. I, unlike others, know my limitations :P)

Nice new site Iz. That graphic on the main page is outstanding.

Personally, I like the look of the old blog better. I find this style to be too antiseptic. The old blog page better represents the way you constantly surf the crest of a wave between the vast ocean of genius and the jagged rocks of insanity. (Since you claimed the similes, I'll have to take the metaphors.)

Although if you're trying to drum up business for freelance projects, I suppose the more professional look is the way to go.

Thankya John.

Kevin, It does look antiseptic. But I just needed to get the content up right away. I plan on adding my fingerprint back into the weblog layout, but messing with the templates & style sheets for this thing is really a non-visual process, and I'm going to struggle with it.

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