I'm having a very bipolar day today. One minute I feel like I've got a handle on everything and I'm cruising right along. The next minute I feel like I should just throw in the towel and go be a door greeter at Walmart.
Stress makes me have to pee.
BJ @ 8:13AM | May 14th 2003
Thanks very much. That was a lot more information than I needed. Why, Iz, does so much of your life revolve around your various sphincters?
Jeremy @ 12:20PM | May 14th 2003
::refers loyal readers to site title::
I have an underlying mood to maintain here, people. If I don't bring up some form of bodily function every second or third post, am I not shirking my duties?
You know, political blogging gets pretty sphincterific in its own right doesn't it? ;)
Pyl @ 9:57AM | June 6th 2003
I think you'd make an excellent greeter, actually.