A first time for everything
Harrison, just got out of the hospital today. We took him to the emergency room around 3 am Monday morning with a horrible asthma attack. He had been dealing with a cold for the past few days, but it just went out of control I guess. He was gasping for every breath, his chest and belly looked like they were having a massive tug of war for air. We gave him several doses from his inhaler and tried Amanda's nebulizer, but after about 10 minutes of relief each time, he dropped right back into distress. When we got him to the e.r., they didn't sit us out there filling out papers, they brought us right in. His oxygen saturation was at 76%. Below 90 is bad. Oh gosh, my little guy. It was killing me not being able to help him. They started breathing treatments, oxygen and prednisone, and over the next 36 hours he gradually pulled out of it. He got used to all the routines by the time Tuesday dawned. I am worn to a frazzle. But he's back to being spicy and sassy. =D
Sharing his breathing treatment with Woody. His oxygen saturation had to stay in the 90s without assistance before he could go.
Oh man I'm tired. I've got to go.
BJ @ 7:43AM | May 7th 2003
I'm glad he's okay, Iz. Must be tough to have to watch that. He's obviously got his Dad's "brave" genes in there somewhere, eh?
obijuan @ 7:09PM | May 7th 2003
Just so long as he doesn't get dad's "neurotic" genes. ;)
Seriously, I'm glad he's okay. As the daddy of an asthmatic child, I know all about those little visits, and the helplessness that accompanies them. Please give everyone my best.
Denver @ 12:11PM | May 8th 2003
I'm glad the little guy is improving. That situation is something I dread. Get some res, Jeremy.
Kevin @ 7:37PM | May 8th 2003
Wow, I'm glad Harrison is OK. I'm sorry you had to go through that Jeremy. But it kinda looks like the beginnings of a smile in that picture so hopefully he'll be back to his old self in no time.
King Web ~gfh~ @ 5:04PM | May 12th 2003
jeez, I can't think of anything scarier than your kiddo being sick. You and Amanda are warriors. And Harrison sounds like he's already the toughest guy I know. Keep on keepin on Jermy, I hope and pray all will be well for you guys.
robert @ 9:52PM | May 13th 2003
Glad he's okay J. You guys hang in there.
Chris @ 12:07AM | May 19th 2003
Asthma sucks. I'm glad he's over his bout. Best wishes to him and the rest of the family.