I did a little check of the search referrals to the site just now. As usual, the number one search string for visitors was . Bah. Make one offhanded smartallecky comment in a rant, and you're branded for good. :P
Anyway, there were some interesting search referrals this time around:
1. "Jeremy Amanda Mission" {hmmmm}
2. "Kentucky cel phone school plan" {no}
3. "to be happy over others' misfortunes" { site turned out to be number one on google for that phrase :-o }
4. "How to I fix busted Shins" {and I can't stop laughing about that one}
Kevin @ 1:54AM | March 13th 2003
OMG, "How to I fix busted Shins" LOL. I wish I could see the guy who posted that.