Infinite Reprises

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Infinite Reprises

I'm am sitting at my desk and Amanda is on her way to pick me up. (We are having frijoles tonight. mmmmmmm!)

So anyway, I'm sitting here, and American Pie is playing on the radio. If the mere thought of that song makes you feel whistful, well, I'm happy for you.

Let us make a list:

American Pie
Green Grass and High Tides

Nearly anything by Meatloaf

Now. Maybe you see a pattern there, and maybe you don't. But they can just relegate those pretty little ponies to vinyl discs for the faithful or whatever, and then just take them right off the air as far as I'm concerned. Argh.

and I wonder why nobody takes me seriously.

1 Comment

Kevin @ 9:42PM | February 4th 2003

Ah, yes. The wonders of Flagstaff radio. You can also add "Jailbreak," "The Boys are Back in Town," and "Glory Days." And there are many more I have thankfully forgotten.

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