A Long Awaited Voyage


A Long Awaited Voyage

It got doggone cold last night. Very nippley. There's snow up on the mountain too, which is cool. I can only hope that we'll get some snow this winter, as opposed to last year.

We're getting ready to go on a road-trip in a couple weeks. It will easily dwarf the Oklahoma trips in duration and destinations. Plenty of layovers have been planned to depressurize the kids, and we invested in a 9" TV/VCR that plugs into the cigarette lighter for additional cramped-car diversional activities.

Tues. October 15th: Broken Clutch
Blow out of town after Giselle gets out of school.
I say 'blow out of town', but really, it'll be a series of fits & starts: pack pack pack, forgot this, forgot that, start car, run back in for more forgotten things, start backing out of driveway, run back in to get kids that are standing at the living room window crying, drive off down street, make loop around neighborhood, and run back up to lock doors. Drive up to Wendy's or McDonald's for dose of lunch carcinogens, because eating on the road saves more time than sitting down at home and eating first. Right. Stop for gas. Wait in lengthy line of cars due to some unforeseen twist in the universe's fabric that causes everybody to pack up & hit the road the same time as we do, even on Tuesday afternoons. Cringe as tempers rise due to spilled food, and tantrums because stupid hamburger has lettuce on it. Finally end up in Barstow, California & spill into motel room.

Wed. October 16th: Hills of the San Andreas
Blow out of town as early as possible.
(See October 16th entry for 'Blow out of town' scenarios.)
Eventually make it to Hwy 101 & drive on Northward to San Francisco. Much internet research has yielded little information in whether I-5, Hwy 101, or Rt 99 is more scenic. Although lots of sites rave about the "old" Hwy 101 being spectacular. The trip is too long to attempt the Pacific Coast Hwy 1, which we drove about a decade ago, and was as lovely as it was perilous. Back to reality though, we won't really be focusing on scenery, so much as just getting there before mutiny breaks out. Finally end up in San Francisco that night.

Thurs. October 17th: Wide-eyed Wonder
Tour the touristy sights of San Francisco. Ride the trollies with the kids, see the city, absorb Fisherman's Wharf, cruise the Golden Gate Bridge, play at the park with the kids, play avoid-the-panhandlers, hook up with Amanda's brother Sam, go nuts with the camera.

Fri. October 18th: Reunion
Blow out of town mid-morning. (See Oct. 16 re. 'blow')
Get to Reno, NV in the early afternoon & hook up with everbody at the Aquino's house. Chat, reminisce, cavort. Help set up LAN for Friday night & Saturday games. Watch, learn & rejoice as Robert Peyton whips up unimaginably cool dinner delights.

Sat. October 19th: Carnival
Good food, games, excursions, super-soaker battles, etc. Maybe hop on 3 networked X-Boxes for 12-player Halo matches. More Peyton culinary treasures.

Sun. October 20th: Dichotomy
Catch breakfast with everybody & then blow out of town (See above.)
Route trip through Yosemite, take it slow, lots of stops & pictures. End up in Fresno that evening.

Mon. October 21st: Through the Desert
No blowing. Cruise down to LA. Take 'er easy.

Tues. October 22nd: Pilgrimage
Shackle on the kids & head to Disney Land. Make it through Buzz Lightyear stage production & It's a Small World (sort of like eating your icky vegetables first, so you can enjoy the rest of the meal). Hop onto Dumbo ride for first time in around 25 years. Scare bejeezus out of kids on Teacup ride. Hunt down Melificent. Oh yes, Pirates of the Carribean and Splash Mountain :D For some strange reason, I think I'm going to enjoy this =)

Wed. October 23rd: Descent
Truck on home.

I may sleep all the following weekend.


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