Hovercraft Rides


Hovercraft Rides

So, we've been on a tight budget for the past couple weeks after doing some overspending on the yard. To compensate, we've been eating lots of beans for the past few days. Mmmm mmmm. I love me some beans. When we cook them, I go into a feeding frenzy. But they've been tearing me up. Amanda and I have been sitting in the living room at night, taking turns uttering grievances at each other. I can't get to sleep. It's been keeping me up at night. Seriously.

I went to our Sunday meeting today, and that's just not an ideal situation when you're riding the frijole express. The Hnattyshacks were sitting behind me and I think I just about killed them. I tried to keep the ruckuss down, but you have to contort to do that. I'm sure they must've figured it out after the first couple assaults. I can just imagine a third party watching every time I hunch forward and immediately seeing them lurch back and scrinch their eyes shut, maybe crying a little bit.

I should probably get my slacks drycleaned now.

I hate to spoil the mood of eating my beans by dripping solvents on them, but I guess it's time to invest in some Beanoâ„¢.


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