Grimm's Fathertales


Grimm's Fathertales

Tonight, I was thinking about being a little kid, and all the vivid lies the grownups on my Dad's side of the family used to tell us kids to keep us from doing things they didn't want. Like going to Grandma's house and her telling us not to play down in he irrigation ditch: "No no mijo! The boogeyman lives down there and he'll eat you up!" Or going over to my Aunt and Uncle's house, and it was so boring because they didn't believe in toys--which I find myself agreeing with more and more--but anyway I'd be tempted to hunt in their closets for the calculators and other stuff to mess with, and Aunt Rosie comes running in "No mijo! Don't go in there! The giant hand that lives up in the closet will come down and get you!" I was 7 years old for Pete's sake. I knew she was lying. All she had to say was tell me to stay out.

But as time passes, I find myself sympathizing more and more with their tales. The daily struggles of debating with Giselle are starting to wear me thin.

Dad: Come on, you two. Let's go to bed.
Giselle: But I don't want to go to bed. I'm not tired gripe gripe
D: That's too bad. Come on. Let's go.
G: But why do you guys get to stay up?
D: Because we're the grown ups.
G: But why do grown ups get to stay up later?
D: Because we need quiet time together.
G: But why do you need quiet time?
D: Because we...oh good grief...because if kids don't quiet down at night, the lions come down out of the forest to see what all the noise is from and...
D: Yeah! So lets get you into bed!



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