Sympathy for the Clones


Sympathy for the Clones

Look out: The drought is so bad that a "Crack and Fissure Warning" has been issued for the Arizona desert.

Okay then.

I was in the bathroom after work today, and Giselle, as always, was on the other side of the door explaining something to me. She was trying to tell me about a game she wanted us to play when I was done, and I guess my "uh huh...uh huh"-ing wasn't convincing enough, because all of a sudden, this little arm pokes through under the door, and she starts explaining it again, but this time with emphatic hand gestures of how the game works. Well that did it. I clenched up from laughter and had to call it good.

By some amazing stroke of genius, Amanda and I managed to find somebody to watch the kids Saturday morning, and we went to watch Attack of the Clones. I definitely need to see it again soon. One of the things I was glad to see come back to the films was the ability to actually feel compassion for the unamed grunts as they were taking one for the team. Pathos for Stormtroopers? I never would've guessed. That sort of feeling was definitely missing from Jedi and Phantom Menace.

Oh man, the aspens are really taking off in the front yard. Another checkmark in favor of zeriscaping. I should've known better than to plant a lawn. What the heck. Kids can have just as much fun playing on river rock and ant hills. :P

Moisture in retreat.
Arakis. The three-fold land.
Mocking my hubris.


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