Mystery Meat


Mystery Meat

OH NO! The spam THE SPAM! Last night on my home email, and this morning in my work email, I got a spam email from the same account with a subject line that says: "DO ME NOW!"

Oh I REALLY don't need this. It's bad enough getting the 'Ab Buster', and 'Make millions while sitting at home on your big fat butt' spam emails, but now I'm getting Pr0n spam? Sure, I could be more carefull with where I dole out my yahoo email address, what with scum like eBay, shareware sites and consumer review websites. But I'm super strict with where the work email gets left behind, which is to say "reputable" software companies and vendors. The fact I got "DO ME NOW" at both emails on the same night is bugging the heck out of me. Either Adobe is getting into adult services, or somebody's address book got hacked/virused...well either that, or I've started subscribing to HOT BABES while I'm AT WORK :P. Well my address is out there now. And as far as the spammers are concerned, I'm sure I might as well be a huge elk standing in the middle of an open meadow, it's hunting season, and I'm wearing a day-glo orange tarp over my back. CURSE THE PrOn INDUSTRY!!

Hah. I guess my post yesterday flipped Mom out and got her calling all the oncology hotlines and websites to figure out if my fingers are going to fall off. Heheheh.

There is an absolutely unbelievable picture that the New and Improved™ Hubble nabbed of the "Tadpole Galaxy" (Arp 188).

Supposedly another galaxy, passed close to this one and spun counterclockwise around it and whipped out an arm of stars. If the Milky Way were the size of a baseball, this galaxy would be about a quarter mile away. The picture looks like it's been touched up a little bit to make the galaxy stand out more from the background. But still, it's pretty amazing.

Check out the Astronomy Picture of the Day

Fingertips are numb
Mother calls the CDC
Before gangrene spreads


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