I found out something interesting today. I was writing a short story about my youth growing up picking cotton and cabbage in Avondale, and as I was looking up "lazy" in my trusty English/Spanish dictionary, the primary translation turns out to be "perezoso". What the heck do you think of that! I always knew my close blood relatives and I carried the lazy gene but to know that my family is named after lazy...well it just blows me away.
I can just see my great great grandpa down in Sonora Mexico, slumped over his plow in the middle of some dusty field and the neighbors walking by "eyyyyyy, Señor Perezoso!" and it just stuck. Which is fine with me. There's another thing I can blame on my genes when I feel like it. Something I wish I could take back to my high-school/college years..."Hey Jeremy, you late-sleepin somethin'er'nother, get your butt outta bed...ya lazy, goodfernothin..." -- "Hey, I'm Perez. That's how it works. It's a dominant gene. Not a thing to be done about it. Seeya around 2:30."
Well I figured I could take this little train of thought somewhere, and I'm doing nothing with it. And I gotta run.
Best of intentions.
Genetic disposition
Overwhelms efforts.
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