Yechhh. Oh man that post Wednesday was lame. Ptooey.
Well well well, so what's up at work...I'm cranky, everybody's cranky. People are stressing out about new product launch schedules, and then I'm trying to get the 2002 product catalog out the door and having these huge cooperation issues. Review by committee is a nasty concept, and unlike anything else, this catalog has the biggest review committee of them all and it's my joy to be in the middle of I sit here biting my cuticles to shreds waiting for one of the committee members to pass some numbers my way so I can call them in to the printer down in Phoenix who sounds like he's flying high on crank waiting to hear from me.
Oh, and then one of our dear fellow associates in the "Dynamic Media" group is having an Adobe Illustrator Logo catastrophe because we keep giving him logos that "aren't Web/DVD-ready." We print people just don't understand "Dynamic Media." Well crap dude, we just can't give all our print graphics 10 point Disney-coloring-book strokes so they'll work handily on your wicked-cool DVD flying-repunzel-logo intro screen. That's why we give you an Illustrator file, so you can go in there and massacre it yourself. But oh, that's not good enough, we're also not setting the logo up in "layers". What the? Ohhh, okay, because we're not setting the logo up in layers, it's "a pain" for you to select the lines you want to beef up. Oh Booo Hooo, you're going to have to spend maybe 10 or 15 seconds moving the mouse around and selecting what you want. And oh by the way, as you've been told, all the similar pieces are "grouped" so all you have to do is alt-double-click to get the whole group, but why bother using that nifty little timesaving technique when you could so much more easily whine and cry about it. Kind of like what I'm doing now. eheh.
The crab-apple tree in our front yard is pushing out some really deep magenta flowers. A happy little tree, as Bob Ross would say, may he rest in peace, etc. etc. The aspens are pushing out some leaves too, but they look kindof sad still. We got like 5 minutes of really fierce rain and hail last night. Joy. Oh, and I played hide & seek with Giselle again, but, get this, she forgot to come looking for me! Ha! I thought that's what the grown-up was supposed to do. So after about 10 minutes, I creep out of my hiding spot and see that the Power Puff Girls had sucked her in. Well, I know where I stand ;-)
Haikus are on hold
Cannot find inspiration
Daughter forgets me
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