Omigosh, just got an email from the building gestapo: Next Friday will begin the weekly tradition of "Hawaiian Shirt Fridays". "Let's all have some FUN on TGIF day!!!" Oh man I am far too cynical for this sort of thing. Why does it have to be a Hawaiian shirt? Why can't it be "Wear a large potato on your shoulder day" or "Come in with your pants inside-out day"? At least something I can do. I don't own a Hawaiian shirt. Fully 50% of the people in my unscientific, angst-initiated survey don't own Hawaiian shirts. I've got a Star Wars shirt with Darth Maul on it, and he's sort of got a Hawaiian print pattern on his face doesn't he? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to grab 2 scrap pieces of foam-core board and draw a gawdawful Hawaiian shirt pattern on them, grab some string and wear them like a sandwich board next Friday. Hi everybody! Didn't want to be a wet blanket. I got my Hawaiian shirt theme going. I gotta tellya, your shirt sure isn't as clockstop ugly as mine is! You're gonna have to try harder next week.
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