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September 27, 2007

My Station in Life

Coworker: "Hey Jeremy..."
Me: "eh?"
C: "Ah, Biffy is having problems with the copier downstairs. It keeps jamming on her. Could you give her a hand? I told her you were the expert." [grin]
Me: "You told her I was the expert?" [grimace]
C: "Yeah" [even happier grin]
Me: "hmmm...People really shouldn't say things like that..." ...as I headed downstairs to be an expert at copier jams.

If I may wrap up the two paragraphs of complaining I just deleted into one simple sentence, let me simply say: "I am not the copier repair expert."

I am also not an expert in:
Using chopsticks
Speed-dial programming
Barfed-on carpet cleanup
Ceiling fan installation
Using Microsoft Office products
or Toilet bowl scrubbing

Please note that, yes, I have done all of these things. And I will continue to do them as duty and misery dictate. But "expert" is not a title I want applied to any of them.

Need help with some oozing tarpit of a problem? Give me a shout! I'll come help out. Just leave the "expert" title to the copier technician I just placed a service call with.

Oh rats. I just spilled a soda all over my desk.

...you never think it will happen to you...


Posted by Jeremy at September 27, 2007 3:45 PM