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July 14, 2004

Snake Oil

A couple gals in our group were passing in the hall just now with the casual hi, how are ya's, and one of them mentioned a horrible sunburn, to which the other replied "Try Advil! It really helps." And sunburn lady comes back with, "oh. huh. uhuh. I'll have to give that a try..." Which is pretty typical right? You let slip with some malady, and everybody's got their own personal miracle cure. My personal advice is usually, "hmm. Gosh, that sucks." (I've been trained in the ways of compassion.) But I guess Advil isn't bad advice. It's when you get into the "Ohhh! Have you tried ginger root rubbed with AllSpice, gravy and vaseline?" or "I've got a set of magnets and ionized silver solution that would do the trick. I'll let you have them for half what I paid for them..." Which leads to "yyyeah. I need to wait till next paycheck. I'll give you a call." And then several months of avoiding the individual.

Here's a good one for you. And it's cheap too:

Got hiccups? Gulp down a big spoon of sugar.

I'm serious.

Posted by Jeremy at July 14, 2004 11:58 AM