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June 2, 2004

Everybody Loves Clowns


Let's say I'm sitting at somebody else's computer. Troubleshooting something. Prying into their private files. What have you.

Now let's say you walk by and see me sitting there, instead of the usual resident. What's the first thing that comes to your mind to say? --No, not 'Security!'-- No, what you know you're really going to say is 'Golly Rich (or Jo, or whoever)! You sure do look different! Are you losing your hair? And you look a little shorter too! Followed up by a big cheesy smile.

And I will politely laugh with you 'harr, yeeahh, ya got me. Here I am. Sitting at Rich's desk. Kinda strange and mind boggling huh.' But inside I will be secretly groaning and rolling my figurative eyes, and chanting that you go ahead and leave while you're behind so that the next passerby can have their turn.

I know. I'm being mean. People are just trying to be cute and stuff. But really, come ON. You can only do it so often before it wears thinner than the monk-patch on the back of my head. Ugh. Speaking of stale material... :P

Posted by Jeremy at June 2, 2004 3:45 PM