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August 6, 2003
When you go to put your shoes on in the morning, only to find they are packed full of Finding Nemo toys, does it:
A) Ruin the rest of your day,
B) Hurt
C) Get you laughing all the way to work
Let's see...what else...
I went in for a blood test to check and see if my cholesterol levels are high enough to fossilize insects and small vertebrates yet. The nurse-practitioner who ordered the test was a real hoot: "Isn't it fascinating that just a few years ago you had cancer, and now you're fat? You've just got this fat belly. Isn't that something?" "Yeah. It blows me away every time I try to get up and walk and realize my gut is slapping against my knees again. Now go away and work on your bedside manner. You'll need to be a bigger turkey if you ever want to be a doctor."
So in retaliation, I hit Jack in the Box today for a Monster Taco fix, and when asked if I wanted ketchup or hot sauce, I said "hot sauce". Bam. So I was at my desk, and loaded up the first taco with hot sauce. Yum. Went for the next one, grabbed a packet, which conveniently had its back turned to me, and spooged ketchup all in the taco. Oy. Here's to life's little surprises. I tried to sop it out with a napkin, but that's pretty much fruitless with JitB tacos which are mostly goop anyways. So I lived with it. No new culinary discoveries there. It wasn't like an "ooh your peanut butter is in my chocolate!" epiphany. It was mostly just gross.
Posted by Jeremy at August 6, 2003 2:38 PM