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June 27, 2003
To Prod the Hippocampus
Well I took my own advice and passed out when I got home yesterday. I slept a good 14 hours before waking up this morning. It was a sleep filled exhausting, troublesome dreams. It's the kind of REM I get when I've been skipping out on my beauty rest. I needed it badly.
All the dreams reminded me of something. The past few years, I've found that I have 3 or so locales that I repeatedly return to in my dreams. None are places I've actually been, but they're always the same in their respective ways.
One is a gilted hotel, complete with a huge open air lobby showcasing an elegant elevator and curved-stairway combo. Everything here is rich ivories, burgundies and gleaming brass. Professionally dressed businessmen and women mill about with their briefcases, sometimes holding classy buffet lunches in a warmly lit meeting room. I tend to wander around this place, trying to find somebody or during those uncomfortable underwear dreams, trying to find the least populated direction to exit the building. I play in the elevators...jumping during the descent to get that prolonged weightless feeling.
Another location is a large industrial complex with pipes, close hallways and large metal-grate stairwells. This place is painted in bright whites, neutral grays and blues. There's a lot of action in this place that usually involves shoot-outs. More than once, it's involved the A-Team. Sometimes I'm on their side, sometimes B.A. is gunning for me. They are horrible shots. It's a place of no escape. I always feel lost in this dream.
Finally there is a stadium. It's similar to the industrial complex, what with the close hallways mixed with huge open stairwells, but it's painted in dingey browns. And the shootouts don't take place here. Instead, I find that I'm usually trying to hide from somebody, or escape notice because I'm someplace I'm not supposed to be.
I don't know how to piece it together. These imaginary places mean something to me, I guess. But I don't know what.
Nevermind the horrible gradeschool dreams where I'm trying to find my class, and I'm late, and I have no idea why I can't figure out which dimly lit hallway I'm supposed to go down. Oof. I hate those.
I think I ran through all of those places last night. It's a wonder I don't feel any more exhausted than I did before.
Posted by Jeremy at June 27, 2003 3:11 PM