April 22, 2002
This morning I woke up all excited to see if the lawn and flowerbeds got watered the way I wanted. So I stumbled up to the living room window and peeked through the blinds. And my first reaction was YEAH! there was hardly any runoff! So, I was all stoked that I had timed the 15 minute on/off bursts just right. And then as the crusts began to dissolve from my corneas I noticed that the yard was actually really really sparkly and lumpy. So, hooray, it got below freezing and I managed to freeze everything in my yard. Man, the roses are ticked. Too bad the cats weren’t hanging out when the ice storm began. So the lack of runoff could probably be attributed to the layer of permafrost I created.
On Saturday, we took Harrison and Giselle to get their hair cut, and it was a great day of victory as Harrison actually sat up in the chair by himself and got his first honest-to-goodness comprehensive hair cut with no screaming and flinching. Carrying him around in a crowd reminds me of the olden days playing Marathon and picking up the big rocket launcher, and you couldn’t see anything at all on your whole right side. So you had to constantly rotate side to side to see what’s going on and be sure you didn’t fall off a ledge or get sideswiped. And Harrison of course thinks it’s a blast: twist, rotate, sidestep, repeat...
Tonight I made spaghetti, and I’ll make the excuse now that I was distracted with changing lightbulbs and throwing the kids into the living room every 3 minutes while Amanda was sweeping and mopping around the moving targets. So anyway, as it so happens, I managed to screw up the noodles and half of them were all stuck together on the ends. How the heck do you ruin noodles? Well, I figured I could save some embarassment by giving Amanda the good noodles and spreading the bad ones between me and the kids and hiding the bad parts with sauce, because heck, what do kids know about good noodles right? And so of course, after about five or six bites, Giselle says, “Daddy, why are the noodles are all stuck together?” “Ah, hmmm, that’s interesting, Giselle. Just...eat them...” “But they’re all stuck together, and they got stuck in my teeth.” “Oh, uh, well sometimes that happens...erm...OK I RUINED THE NOODLES I DON’T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED BUT THEY WERE COMPROMISED AHHHHHHHAHAHAHHHHH...” And Amanda is just looking at me like “It ain’t nothin but a thing.”
Fingernails grow long
Like weeds along sidewalk’s edge
Begging for trimmers
Posted by Jeremy at April 22, 2002 10:58 PM