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May 13, 2002
I rearranged my cubicle Friday. I set it up so my back isn't as exposed as it was. One of the guys I work with, Rob, was laughing. He started calling me Joe Compound. And then Barb, the art group leader, started cracking up when she brought a project up to me this morning because she had to stand on the other side of the desk and felt like she was being interviewed. So I said to heck with it and put some Less Nessman white tape on the floor at the entryway to represent my imaginary door.
I dropped Amanda off for a much-needed & well-deserved massage appointment today, and took the kids to the park while she was there. Giselle of course, instantly attached herself to the nearest small blonde girl and away they played. Man, I never befriended other kids instantly like that. It just amazes me. And then there's Harrison. He was my little buddy the whole time. Which is cool, because he's usually glued to Giselle. Except that the entire time we're there, he's calling me "Mama" in front of all the other Dads and their collective kids: "C'mere Mama!" "Mama carry me" "Mama Lookit" "Mama Mama Mama". And then at home he's calling me Daddy-Gramma. It's plain & simple freaking me out. I just love that crazy little booger.
I watched Spider Man this weekend. It was excellent. I was just sitting there smiling the whole time. They did a great job catching the feel of the comic. Spider Man was my big hero as a kid. I didn't turn out to be a big ole comic book collector fanatic, but the movie brought back all the cool stuff about Spidey that I felt back then. I remember begging Dad to read one of the comic books to me when I was really little, and how funny it was when he got to this part where Spider Man called King Pin a "lard butt" and Dad just stopped, said "Wow" and shook his head, not quite sure what else to make of it (I know he wanted to laugh too...but it's crucial to let the parents save face when you're a kid).
Star Wars Episode II is coming up in a few days. Not sure what to do about it. We'd need somebody to watch the kids for hours on end while we wait in line. Can't quite afford that right now. We'll end up waiting a while to see it, I'm pretty sure.
Son calls me Mama
Maybe he won't change. Should I?
Estrogen grows breasts.
Posted by Jeremy at May 13, 2002 5:00 PM