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July 31, 2002
Well...I'm sitting here at work waiting for a 260mb postscript file to finish distilling into a PDF that I can email off to some clients. La lala la la.
Been getting some grief for not updating this blog often enough. It's true. I'm slacking. Darn slackers.
I've been burning myself out over at Worth1000 creating Photoshop images (under my pseudonym "Isam"). I payed for five bucks worth of credits and started entering contests about a month ago. I've won two so-far, which is a big ole ego boost.
Like I need that.
Big fat head.
But it's definitely been a change of pace to do some totally freestyle creative stuff. I haven't done watercolor or pencil art in years. It's a totally different media, but the satisfaction is the same. If only the front yard didn't need my attention, I might get some sleep now and then. Stinking hobbies.
I just about killed a thirty dollar rosebush earlier this week. We bought a bunch of perennial groundcover plants and the rosebush a couple weeks ago. We managed to get all the small ones planted, but had to put off planting the rose. Then one thing led to another and I screwed up and didn't water it every day, and it dried up really bad. Oy. So I got it planted Monday, and now it looks like it's on the road to recovery. I just have to be sure I fall down on it or something in the next couple days. Nothing should be easy.
Oh! We got Giselle's eye exam, and she ended up needing glasses. So those came in a couple weeks ago. She's been really good about wearing them. Although when she and Harrison wrassle around or he punches her in the face or whatever, they end up getting all tweaked, so we have to bend them back into shape every couple days. Kindergarten starts in less than a month. She's stoked.
Posted by Jeremy at July 31, 2002 5:42 PM