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August 3, 2002
Compressed Spring
Compressed Spring
Giselle's playing outside in the rain...er hang on a sec...in the hail, right now. There's some new kids in the neighborhood that are closer to her age, and so they've been playing together now & then. It's weird. I don't know how far to let her go, as far as playing outside in the neighborhood with the other kids. When I was seven years old, I ran around and played in the neighborhood. I don't remember much from when I was five...other than the older neighbor boy coming over to my yard and shoveling dirt in my pants. Duggy was a jerk.
But it's a different environment now from when I was a kid--as Amanda keeps reminding me. So do we just keep her all cloistered up for fear of her getting abducted or hurt, which, after enough time she'll flip out and start sneaking around behind our backs anyway. Or do we give her enough reign to run around with the little kids at the end of the street and get some healthy play in at the risk of stranger-danger driving by. We pratice the "what do you do?" questions so she knows not to help strangers find their puppies and candy and all the other what-ifs. But it's still scary. She sure is having fun though.
Man this rain is great. I went out earlier with a little 3-prong cultivater and dethatched some of the more hideous parts of the lawn. Hopefully that'll give the grass more opportunity to recover there. The weeds will probably love it too. I need to put some anti-weedlet fertilizer in there.
I finally buckled down & uploaded some pictures of the kiddos.
Giselle's new glasses.
Harrison has to have glasses too now.
Burying her brother in the sandbox
Rain turns into hail
In the big bad world outside
Daughter needs to play.
Posted by Jeremy at August 3, 2002 5:07 PM