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August 17, 2002
Oodles of Doodles
Oodles of Doodles
Amanda is outside the window sprinkling coffee grounds around the rose bushes. They're going through a big ole blooming spurt right now. One of them has a fungus I have to deal with one of these days.
I just got finished yanking up a bunch of weeds on the East side of the house. It's the one part I haven't been putting any effort into, and it was an impassibly tangled jungle. The Goat's Beard plants (Yellow Salsify) were the worst. Gigantic 4 foot tall, bug infested dandelions I tellya. Apparently, there's lots of people who like these things. They're as bad as Oleanders, as far as I'm concerned. I really screwed up leaving them to infest for that long. Now that they're cleared out, that whole side area is just littered with those nasty, webby, parachutey little seedlings, and every teeny gust of wind lifting a few dozen at a time over the fence and out into my neighbors' yards. I'd love to get over there and just sweep it with a bic lighter and a can of hair spray. FOOOOOSHHHH... But I'm not sure if my homeowner's policy would cover any unintended consequences from weedlette arson.
At work, we're contracting with a freelancer to do some illustrations for one of our dura repair products. There's no way I'd be given illustrations to work on directly...there's way too many other things that need my attention than doing drawrings...but I still couldn't get out of my mind the thought of working on medical illustrations, so I spent a few hours at home working on one of the images from scratch, just to see where I could take it:
It needs more work to tune it up, but it was a blast putting something like that together. The problem with doing illustrations, is that they take forever, and there just isn't enough time in the workday to add illustrating on top of all the other stuff that needs to get done. The sad thing is that in the graphics industry, professional illustrators who work for a company tend to get paid like data-entry rates. It's very strange.
Freelance illustrators are a different matter though. One of the guys who does some of the super-high-end work for our company Keith Kasnot, does absolutely amazing illustrations. He's my hero.
So I'm wondering if I want pick up some freelance illustration jobs here and there to keep the juices flowing. Or not. It's not as if I haven't got plenty to do already. Sheesh.
Posted by Jeremy at August 17, 2002 8:14 PM