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September 1, 2002
Weekend Warriors
Weekend Warriors
Today, a friend of mine invited me out for some redneck, cinderpit shooting. So Jon, his kid, three other guys and I headed out for some mayhem. What a hoot. It's not a class act. The cinderpits are an absolute junkyard of garbage that people have brought out to meet a shredded demise. You can tell some folks came out with the noblest of intentions with their tidy little paper targets and neat little makeshift wooden target holders. But after poking a few holes somewhere in the dinner-plate-sized black circle, you can tell they realized they were missing out, because the targets were still there with only 7 or 8 holes in them, but the legs had been shot off the stand, and broke piece of he stand had been set up nearby to hold aloft what was probably once a piece of fruit.
So we just forego the whole professional target sheet thing and start looking for likely pieces of garbage to prop up on the hill that's about 100 yards downrange, and start blasting away.
Despite our overall poor form, Jon's arsenal is top notch. He had recently picked up a couple of competition target guns. One was a 22 caliber rifle that sported an incredible sighting mechanism with loads of dials and levers on it. You could pick off anything with that sucker. Then there was the target pistol he picked up that shot these huge deer-rifle rounds. Wow. What a cannon. Not only did it sound like a howitzer, but it spouted a gout of flame as big as a softball. My favorite is still the 12-guage double barrel shotgun. My shoulder still hurts from firing both barrels off at once. Heh, it's a total "guy" thing, but that just kicked so much butt.
Here's a pic of Jon unloading both barrels into a jar of spoiled ranch dressing:
My hands still smell like gunpowder.
Domestically speaking...
We're getting geared up to enclose the garage, so I spent some time this morning measuring every nook, cranny and crevice. Owning this place has introduced me to so many things I never figured I'd mess with. Framing walls, doors and windows? Sheesh. But like any modern suburbanite, I have serious need of a garage I can store all my crap in. We have one whole room of our house that is completely, utterly unusable due to all the debris we have packed in there. It would be really nice to turn that room into something that a human could actually enter. Someday soon...
Posted by Jeremy at September 1, 2002 1:25 AM