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October 10, 2002



I've been coughing my guts out the past week. Stinking kindergarten plagues never end. So Cathy, who works on the far end of the office, finally reached her breaking point and dumped out this huge pile of Vitamin-C pills for me. And I thought, yeah, you know, I actually should take Vitamin-C to supplement my bread and dairy diet. But man, those little boogers are potent. I got a blister on my tongue yesterday because I was letting it 'dissolve' in my mouth. Not a good idea. My salivary glands cramped up so tight I started wondering if I was going to need a BoTox injection to be able to open my jaw again. I was advised today that I should probably just swallow them like aspirin. Duh.

I'm not an experienced pill-popper.

We've revised our travel schedule for next week due to a couple helpful comments from Callie natives:

Wil writes:
I was reading your web journal and found that you are trying to decide which route is the most scenic: 5, 99 or 101. I've never been on 99 but I've heard it is better than 5. 101 is the best of the three and while it is no highway 1 it at least has a bit of scenic variety. I am curious about your route to SF, I would have not guessed you made it all the way to 101 on your journey.

Kevin writes:
I read that you're finding little information about the advantages and disadvantages of the various routes of travel in California. I will give you my experience.
Hwy 99: Avoid. You'll feel like you're on a trip to visit Amanda's relatives, as it goes through the flat ranch country of California. And you know what ranches mean: cows. More specifically, cow urine. Nothing like trying to drive through tearing eyes as the ammonia is dissolving the skin on the back of your throat. Also, this can vary, but the last time I was on it, there were lots and lots of semis.
I-5: The fastest route. The speed limit is 70mph, but the last time I drove on it, I was going 85, and I wasn't worried because I was getting passed regularly. I think even a cop gave me the finger as he blew by me. The scenery is kind of bland, although not as bad as 99, and the road is in much better condition. Also, there is only 1 two-mile stretch of cows. Use this one if you're sick of being in the car and want to get there as soon as possible.
Hwy 101: By far the prettiest route. Some gorgeous country there. And the home of Sancho. Also by far the slowest. Honestly, I'm not too optomistic about your chances of making it from Barstow to SF in one day via 101. When I'm on 101, I always seem to get behind some motorhome driving 35 mph who refuses to use the turn-outs for miles and miles. And of course, with all the nice twists and turns and hills, there aren't very many passing sections. If your kids get carsick on twists and turns, keep that in mind.
I'll add more later. Now, I've got to get some sleep.

Thanks for the input you two. (and for the fits of laughter, Kevin =)

For whatever it's worth, here's the visual scoop. I've been meaning to post this for a while. But now it's lunchtime, and lunchtime is the right time.


Posted by Jeremy at October 10, 2002 1:13 PM