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February 7, 2003

Impulse Shopping

Impulse Shopping

Where I work, if a meeting is scheduled during the Noon to 1 PM hour, it's generally expected that lunch will be served in some fashion or other--but hopefully on the company account. Now, if you have the distinction of working in one of the more notably peonic departments, as do I, then you'd better have a pretty stinking good excuse for scheduling a meeting during the lunching hour and thusly bleeding the company dry. Well as it so happens, our group had to schedule a lunchy meeting today, but we didn't have a very good excuse for picking that time slot, other than urgency and no other open times, blah blah blah. So the general concensus was that we should do a 'pot luck'. Well, before the idea had fully congealed into reality, my hand shot up and I called dibs on 'chips and dip' duty. Oh man, I'm such a loser.

So I ran into the grocery store on the way in to work this morning to grab the goods. I got 3 varieties of chips, and some Mrs. Renfros salsa (mmmm mmmm), and some Ranch Dip. And as it so happens, I ran across a candy display along the way that had Sweet Tarts & Spree 5-for-$2. And I'm a sucker for those, so I picked some up. Well I get to the checkout stand, it's 8:30 am, and this inquisitive but suspicious, grandmotherly lady is running my goods across the scanner. Now I don't mind a little 'hi, howya doin' chitchat with the cashier, but as I'm punching in my pin number, she says:
Cashier: "My, with all this junk food you must be going to the movies..."
Me: "Umm...huh?" oooooh, wasn't expecting that one. And wha? chips and salsa at the theater? "Uh, no, I have chip duty at a pot luck today."
Cashier: "Well you've also got all these Sweet Tarts and Spree..."
Me: "No, um, thats...for somebody else..." (She was obviously on to my junk food addiction. I couldn't let on that I bought those for my own snacking orgies.)
Cashier: "Oh, I see, it must be for valentines day..." and now picture her knowing smile and nodding head.
Me: "ahhh ahah..."
It makes me wish I had dropped some other choice items into the mess while I was at it. I can only imagine the comments and advice I would've gotten out of that one.

Sweet Tarts
Sweet Tarts
Sweet Tarts
Thin Maxi
Toilet Plunger
Clothes Pins


Posted by Jeremy at February 7, 2003 5:25 PM