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March 14, 2003

When in Rome?

When in Rome?

Just got back from the john. And yeah, this is a new building to me and everything, but this was pretty strange. The available stall had a section of today's newspaper spread out right in front of the stool, like a big chatty welcome mat. And it just hit me strange. Is this the way they do things here? Gosh, it sure was in the perfect spot to just hunch right down and read while easing nature, but it just didn't seem right. And sure I could just leave it there, maybe read some boring city council news, but then the next person who walked in would see my shoes, and the paper all spread out and think 'jeez, make yourself at home why dontcha'. So I gingerly picked it up, folded it, and hung it like a towel from the handicap rail. Icky. I don't like manipulating items fresh off a public restroom floor, but I felt compelled.

Heh, that stall had a little label inside the door that said "Restroom uses low-flow plumbing. You may need to flush twice." and handwritten underneath in blue ink it said 'Jason, this means you." Hahah. I love that stuff. Somebody took it down a couple days ago. :-/

I bought some plants for the office yesterday. How long till I kill them, I keep asking myself.

Posted by Jeremy at March 14, 2003 2:44 PM