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March 17, 2003

Class Distinctions

Class Distinctions

I am watching the cascading mist of snow outside my window. I am still having my window honeymoon, in case you didn't know. It will be a real bummer when they kick us out of these offices. I hate to be pessimistic, but I don't see how paeons like us can have it this good for too long.

Well, the latest news is that the kids apparently think I'm an unstoppable brownie-eating machine. I made some brownies a few nights ago, and I guess Giselle came up to Amanda and asked her to hide them from me before I ate them all. And I can just picture Harrison standing right there, "Yeah. Hide the brownies." Of course, I heard this all second-hand. I was probably occupied at the time, slumped in the living room easy chair, dark crumbles spilled down my shirt and chocolate smeared across my lips.

Posted by Jeremy at March 17, 2003 8:33 AM