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March 18, 2003

Had to Be There

Had to Be There

A doofy little Sonicª commercial just came on the radio advertising 'Pancake on a Stick!'
I must've heard that commercial like 20 times, and that's the first time I noticed the feature item. I was like, "What the? Pancake on a Stick?"...and then Rob starts in: "Yeah. Shows ya where people's heads are at I guess--Yeah, I don't have time to eat my pancakes with a fork for petessake." ::sudden breakdown of laughter:: "And I don't have time to put water in my Malt-o-Meal either!" ::sckkkrrrjjjjjj crunch crunch crunch:: ::more cackling:: "No wait! Fried egg on a stick! But how the heck do we get it to stay on there?" ::loss of bladder control::

Thank goodness for Rob and the radio. I was feeling major crabby all day.

Posted by Jeremy at March 18, 2003 4:18 PM